> 行业法规 > 指导原则


发布时间: 2023- 11- 24 10: 20浏览次数:


Translation of GLP Study Reports: Questions and Answers

Guidance for Industry1




This draft guidance, when finalized, will represent the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for this guidance as listed on the title page.



I. 引言

This guidance provides information to sponsors and nonclinical laboratories regarding the language translation of study reports for studies conducted in compliance with good laboratory practice (GLP) regulations (21 CFR part 58).2,3 GLP studies include, but are not limited to nonclinical toxicology studies, safety pharmacology studies, and device safety studies received by different FDA Centers. When study reports of GLP studies are translated from their original language into English, adequate documentation is critical to ensure accurate and complete study data are submitted to FDA. This question-and-answer document is intended to clarify FDA's recommendations concerning the translation of study reports from a non-English language into English for studies conducted in compliance with GLP regulations. We expect that the recommendations for translating GLP study reports described in this guidance will increase our stakeholders' understanding of the documentation needed to ensure study reports translated from the original language into English are clear, accurate, complete, and truthful.

本指导原则向申请方和非临床实验室提供有关按照良好实验室规范(GLP)法规(21 CFR 58部分)2,3进行的研究的试验报告语言翻译提供指导。GLP研究包括但不限于不同 FDA 中心收到的临床毒理学、安全药理学研究和医疗器械安全研究。当GLP研究报告从原始语言翻译成英语时,充足的文件对于确保向 FDA 提交准确和完整的研究数据至关重要。本问答文件旨在澄清 FDA 关于将研究报告从非英语翻译成英语以进行符合 GLP 法规的研究的建议。我们期望本指导原则中描述的 GLP 研究报告翻译建议将增加我们的利益相关者对所需文档的理解,以确保从原始语言翻译成英语的研究报告清晰、准确、完整和真实。

This draft guidance does not address the reliable translation of other study reports submitted to support a marketing authorization, including studies that are not conducted in compliance with GLP regulations, but the concepts described in the guidance may be informative for the translation of study reports from those studies that are intended for submission to FDA to support a marketing authorization. FDA may issue guidance regarding questions & answers for the translation of other study reports submitted to FDA in support of marketing authorizations as appropriate.

本指导原则草案不涉及为支持上市授权而提交的其他研究报告的可靠翻译,包括未按照GLP法规进行的研究,但指导原则中描述的概念可能会为这些研究报告的翻译提供参考。旨在提交给FDA以支持上市许可的研究。FDA 可能会发布有关翻译提交给 FDA 的其他研究报告的问题和答案的指导原则,以酌情支持上市许可。

In general, FDA's guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities.

Instead, guidances describe the Agency's current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required.

一般来说,FDA 的指导原则文件没有规定法律上可执行的责任。

相反,指导原则描述了 FDA 当前对某个主题的想法,并且应仅被视为建议,除非引用了具体的监管或法定要求。在机构指导原则中使用“应该”一词意味着建议或推荐某些内容,但不是必需的。


1 This guidance has been prepared by the Office of Study Integrity and Surveillance in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research in cooperation with the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Center for Tobacco Products, and Office of Regulatory Affairs at the Food and Drug Administration.

1 本指导原则由药物评价和研究中心(CDER)的研究诚信和监督办公室与生物制剂评价和研究中心、设备和放射健康中心、兽医中心、食品安全中心和食品安全中心合作编写。应用营养学、烟草产品中心以及美国食品和药物管理局监管事务办公室。

2 An accurate and complete translation is a regulatory requirement if any part of the application submitted to FDA is in a foreign language (21 CFR 312.23 (c) and 21 CFR 514.1(a)).

2 如果向 FDA 提交的申请的任何部分是外语,则监管要求必须提供准确完整的翻译(21 CFR 312.23 (c) 21 CFR 514.1(a))。

3 We support the principles of the “3Rs,” to reduce, refine, and replace animal use in testing when feasible. We encourage sponsors to consult with us if it they wish to use a non-animal testing method they believe is suitable, adequate, validated, and feasible. We will consider if such an alternative method could be assessed for equivalency to an animal test method.

3 我们支持“3R”原则,即在可行的情况下减少、改进和替代测试中的动物使用。如果申请方希望使用他们认为合适、充分、经过验证且可行的非动物测试方法,我们鼓励申请者与我们协商。我们将考虑是否可以评估这种替代方法与动物测试方法的等效性。


II. 背景

Studies conducted in compliance with GLP regulations (21 CFR part 58) are sometimes conducted by testing facilities located outside of the United States. In instances where the GLP study report is generated in a non-English language, the study report is often translated into English for submission to FDA. When translating a study report into English from a study conducted in compliance with GLP regulations, the translation should be clear, accurate, complete, truthful, and follow written processes and procedures. The sponsor should ensure that the translated report is an accurate representation of the original GLP study report.

有时,根据 GLP 法规(21 CFR 58 部分)进行的研究是由位于美国境外的研究机构进行的。在 GLP 研究报告以非英语语言生成的情况下,研究报告通常会翻译成英语以提交给 FDA。将符合GLP规定的研究报告翻译成英文时,翻译应清晰、准确、完整、真实,并遵循书面流程和程序。申请方应确保翻译报告准确反映原始 GLP 研究报告。


III. 问题和回答

Q1: What is a translated GLP study report?

Al: For purposes of this guidance, a translated GLP study report is an English language study report rendered from a GLP study that was conducted in a non-English speaking country/region where the original study report was generated in the testing facility's native language. The translated GLP study report is not an amendment to the study report, but rather the original study report in its entirety translated from the original language into English. The translated GLP study report should be the clear, accurate, complete, truthful representation of the original report text and tables with captions, including but not limited to, the study summary, materials and methods, results, discussion, and conclusion sections and should use the same format, tables, appendixes, and amendments as the original report. It is understandable that different words/sentences may be used to translate a report into English; however, the content should be an accurate and complete representation of the original study report.


Al:就本指导原则而言,翻译后的 GLP 研究报告是根据在非英语国家/地区进行的 GLP 研究得出的英语语言研究报告,其中原始研究报告是用研究机构的母语生成的。翻译后的GLP研究报告不是对研究报告的修改,而是将原始研究报告从原文翻译成英文。翻译后的 GLP 研究报告应清晰、准确、完整、真实地表述原始报告文本和表格并附有说明文字,包括但不限于研究摘要、材料和方法、结果、讨论和结论部分,并应使用与原始报告相同的格式、表格、附录和修订。将报告翻译成英文时可能会使用不同的单词/句子,这是可以理解的;然而,内容应准确、完整地反映原始研究报告。

Q2: What qualifications should the translator(s) hold?

A2: English translation should be performed by a translator or translators with education, training, experience, or combination thereof, in English and in the original language being translated. The translator(s) should be familiar with translating medical and scientific documents into English. The requirements and qualifications of the translator(s) should be clearly described in written processes and procedures (see Q4 below).

Q2: 翻译人员应具备什么资格?

A2:英语翻译应由受过教育、培训、经验等背景的翻译人员以英语和要翻译的原始语言进行。翻译人员应熟悉将医学和科学文件翻译成英语。翻译人员的要求和资格应在书面流程和程序中明确描述(参见下面的问题 4)。

Q3: Should a translation statement be included in the translated GLP study report?

A3: Yes, the translator(s) should generate a signed and dated translation statement or certificate, separate from the translated GLP study report, which should be placed immediately in front of the translated study report cover page. The translation statement or certificate should include the following:

Name of the person(s) that performed the translation and their affiliation

Translator(s) qualifications

Date(s) the translation was performed

Statement signed by the translator(s) attesting that the translated document is a clear, truthful, accurate, and complete representation of the original GLP study report.


A3:是的,翻译人员应生成一份签名并注明日期的翻译声明或证书,与翻译的 GLP 研究报告分开,并应放置在翻译的研究报告封面页的前面。翻译声明或证书应包括以下内容:




翻译人员签署的声明,证明翻译后的文件 清晰、真实、准确、完整地表述了原始 GLP 研究报告。

Q4: Should written procedures be in place for the translation of GLP study reports?

A4: Yes, the sponsor or testing facility, as applicable, should have written procedures in place for GLP study report translation for studies conducted in compliance with GLP regulations. These written procedures should include requirements for translator qualifications and requirements for the translation, such as documentation, verification of translation accuracy, and completeness checks. Current written procedures should be available to, and followed by, the translator.

问题 4GLP 研究报告的翻译是否应该制定书面程序?

A4:是的,申请方或机构机构(如适用)应制定书面程序,用于翻译符合 GLP 法规的研究的 GLP 研究报告。这些书面程序应包括翻译人员资质要求和翻译要求,例如文档、翻译准确性验证和完整性检查。 当前的书面程序应可供翻译人员使用并由翻译人员遵循。

Q5: Should the translated final study report be retained by the sponsor or testing facility?

A5: The translated GLP study report should be retained along with the original study report by the sponsor or testing facility, as applicable. Communications related to the translation should be documented and retained by the sponsor or testing facility who was responsible for the translation.


A5:翻译后的 GLP 研究报告应与申请方或研究机构(如适用)的原始研究报告一起保留。与翻译相关的沟通应由负责翻译的申请者或研究机构记录并保留。

Q6: Should the final study report amendments be translated separately from the original final study report?

A6: Yes, each amendment to the original final study report should be translated as a separate document. The final study report and all versions of final study report amendments should be kept as separate individual documents.



Q7: Should GLP study report tables and appendixes be translated?

A7: Yes, the entire GLP study report, inclusive of all tables, appendixes, contributing scientist reports, and protocol and any amendments, should be accurately and completely translated into English. Data tables should include the same tabular data, with the same format and translated text, including but not limited to table headers, units, tissue names, captions, and footnotes, as in the original report.


A7:是的,整个 GLP 研究报告,包括所有表格、附录、贡献科学家报告、方案和任何修正报告,都应准确、完整地翻译成英文。数据表格应包括与原始报告相同的表格数据、相同的格式和翻译文本,包括但不限于表格标题、单位、组织名称、标题和脚注。

Q8: Should the translated GLP study report be reviewed for completeness?

A8: Yes, the complete translated GLP study report should be reviewed by a second person (e.g., testing facility staff, sponsor staff), apart from the translator, to check the report format, tabular content, and figures (graphical representation of data) for completeness. This second person does not need to be fluent in scientific and medical terminology or English. The review for completeness should be performed on the final version of the translated study report. If issues are identified during the completeness check, the translated study report should be returned to the translator for review and revision, as appropriate. If changes are made to the translated report in response to the review, another completeness check should be performed. The process should be documented and retained with the study records and report.


A8:是的,完整翻译的 GLP 研究报告应由除翻译人员之外的第二人(例如,研究机构工作人员、申请方工作人员)审阅,以检查报告格式、表格内容和图表(数据的图形表示)的完整性。第二个人不需要精通科学和医学术语或英语。完整性审查应对翻译后的研究报告的最终版本进行。如果在完整性检查过程中发现问题,翻译后的研究报告应返回给翻译人员进行适当的审查和修改。如果为了响应审查而对翻译报告进行更改,则应执行另一次完整性检查。该过程应记录并与研究记录和报告一起保留。

Q9: Should the translated GLP study report include signatures?

A9: The translated GLP study report should not be signed. The translated GLP study report should include, at a minimum, the typed names of the study director, quality assurance auditor, and testing facility management and the signature dates from the original final study report. The study report translator should sign and date the translation statement, which is separate from the translated study report, as outlined in A3 above.


A9:翻译好的GLP研究报告不应签字。翻译后的 GLP 研究报告应至少包括专题负责人、质量保证审核人员和研究机构负责人的打印姓名以及原始最终研究报告中的签名日期。研究报告翻译人员应在翻译声明上签名并注明日期,该声明与翻译后的研究报告分开,如上面 A3 中所述。


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